

Growing up in a family of storytellers, Ozan Aydogan (1993) gets fascinated by the art of storytelling at a young age.

The bedtime stories from Eastern Turkey that his parents tell him, the old fairytale books that his mother harvests at flea markets and the lively anecdotes that reach his bedroom from the living room, accompanied by the sweet smell of raki and the sounds of the saz. Witnessing all those stories arouses an interest in him that has never shown itself to him before. And so it doesn’t take long before his first works see the light of day. Those are raps at first. But after reading Lord Byron during high school on the advice of a friend, he starts writing poetry. Between those two streams the seed is planted that will later germinate into spoken word. After a few years, during his internship at an arts center, a new love appears before him; acting. While doing his first play, immediately writing all of its songs and contributing by writing mono- and dialogues, he has his first experiences with playwriting. From that moment on he keeps telling stories. He has done so in co-operation with High On Type and RAUM with his binaural spoken word installation ‘Prachtige Wezens’, in Athens with Dries Verhoeven’s Phobiarama, in the television series ‘Amsterdam Vice’ in which he played a guest role, in Paris at the Poetry Slam World Championship – after becoming Poetry Slam Champion of the Netherlands in 2018 – and with a starring role in the theater in Orkater’s ‘De Vreemdeling’ with which he has toured throughout the Netherlands. In 2022 Ozan will appear in the FC Bergman and ITA co-production ‘The Magic Mountain’, which will play at the Edinburgh Festival ‘22. He also works on his debut novel that is expected to be published in 2024.
Ozan graduated from Drama & Contemporary Music Theater at the University of the Arts in Amsterdam..

Prachtige wezens


‘Prachtige Wezens’ is het debuutalbum van maker, acteur, rapper, schrijver en dichter Ozan Aydogan (1993). Het album is een samensmelting van muziek, spoken word, theater en rap. In een poging ons te verzoenen met ons gevoel, klimt Ozan Aydogan, in samenwerking met musici, naar de kern van de meest eenzame momenten uit zijn leven. Eenzaamheid niet als fysieke afwezigheid, maar als uiting van het menselijke onvermogen te accepteren wie we zijn. ‘Prachtige Wezens’ is nu te beluisteren op Spotify, iTunes en YouTube Music.



For inquiries or bookings please use the contact form below.

All Stars Agency
Plantage Middenlaan 2D
1018 DD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0)20 421 3669